Admissions Open For 2024 – 2025

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Parents Corner

Parent School Partnership

Parental Involvement at MDN Future School ranges from reading together at Kindergarten ‘Read with me workshop’, to volunteering in classrooms as a ‘Resource Parent’ , to getting involved when children are out on Field trips. The benefits of Parental Involvement is :

For better parental understanding of their child’s school experience, in order to build a closer parent-child bond.

For Classroom & field trip support for Teachers and better understanding of the child’s family roots.

For the increase in self confidence and self-esteem of the student as they see their parents showing interest in their class activities. Children learn best when the significant adults in their lives their Parents, teachers and community members work together to encourage and support them. The School alone cannot address all of the child’s developmental needs. Hence the meaningful involvement of parental support is essential and for the Facilitators to work together with the Parents and thus catering to an environment in which trust & mutual respect for each other can flourish. A student too gets a message of peace & begins to learn with ease when they see their parents & teachers engaged in a respectful manner working towards their progress. This is where 3C learner’s profile comes in and helps all concerned work on a common platform towards a common goal.

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