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Student clubs and organizations often form the backbone of high schools. Although these activities may not receive as much recognition as other activities, they provide opportunities and experiences that are beneficial to students and often the community.
Importance of having fun in school cannot be underestimated. Some of the best times and memories students have are the experiences of belonging to a club. Whether it is the club parties or the highs and lows of club responsibilities, clubs are important to join just for the enjoyment that they will bring to most students.
Clubs and organizations provide students with many positive experiences that help them to become well-rounded individuals who are ready for college or the workplace. Joining a club can be one of the best decisions that a student ever made.
Involvement in school clubs also provide students with a positive outlet for their energy. Students who are involved in clubs are participating in a positive activity during that time. Students who are active in clubs are more likely to be successful in school.
The CBSE Board has also advised schools to sensitize students and make them aware of life skills to counter excessive influence of television, the internet and cellphones. The integrity clubs are designed as community groups for cultivating human values among students by organising games, activities and workshops in schools. Due to excessive influence of electronic media, the internet and mobile phones, nuclear family system and rapidly growing urbanization, children are more exposed to negative values.
The main objective of creating clubs in MDN Future Schools is to create a sense of responsibility, co-operation and generosity among the students and also to discover the talent of students. The basic aim is to motivate the children to take part in the activities so that they are groomed into their field of interest through different clubs open to them, which would help them further in their career options. Below are given the different clubs which have been introduced in order to develop a holistic approach in the children of MDN Future Schools.
- Art Club
- Craft Club
- Cuisine Club
- Literary club
- Musical club
- Science Club
- Math Club
- Eco Club
- Aero-modeling
- Robotic Club
- Quiz Club
- IT club
- Dramatic Club
- Photography